Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues Activities from 1992 to 2020
November: Grandma Hwang Keum-ju, a former “comfort woman” of Japanese military sexual slavery during WWII testified at the United Methodist Church in Greater Washington that is covered by WTTG-TV (Fox 5).
December: Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues Inc. was founded and Ms. Dongwoo Lee Hahm elected the founding president.
September: Washington Post publishes (October 1, 1993) a letter by the WCCW to Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa.
November: 24 U.S. Members of Congress send a petition to Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa urging his government to investigate the wartime sexual slavery regime known as the “comfort women.”
February: Forum on Comfort Women co-sponsored with Georgetown University Law Center Student Association, Washington, DC.
March: Presentation on “comfort women” at the International Women’s Day Symposium on Women’s Human Rights around the World sponsored by the University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia.
May: Sponsors a forum on “Comfort Women” in Washington, DC with Mr. Kenichi Takagi, Attorney-at-Law, Tokyo, Japan. June: Organizes the Asian and American United to Redress Japanese War Crimes rally in front of the White House during Japanese Emperor Akihito’s visit. WCCW demands President Bill Clinton raise the “comfort women” issue with Emperor Akihito.
October: Videotapes interviews with 15 surviving “comfort women” in Seoul in order to preserve their testimonies and to produce the documentary Comfort Women.
April/May: First exhibition and the film screening of Comfort Women held at the United Methodist Building, near the U.S. Capitol and the Supreme Court.
September: WCCW representatives attend the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace convened by the United Nations 4-15 September 1995 in Beijing, China. Exhibition and screening of the Comfort Women documentary.
November: Exhibition and screening of Comfort Women at the Korean American Women UN Seminar held in New York City.